About the Journal

About the Journal

The scientific and theoretical journal "Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality" of the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism is included in the List of publications recommended by the Science and Higher Education Quality Assurance Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for publishing the main results of scientific activity in the areas of "Tourism", "Hospitality" (Order No. 1153 dated 12/10/2024).

The scientific and theoretical journal "Tourism, leisure and hospitality" is a periodical scientific publication.

The founder and publisher of the journal is the "Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism".

The journal is registered with the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Certificate no. KZ26VPY00061350 dated December 15, 2022.

The journal publishes research results of current issues of fundamental, applied and interdisciplinary research in the fields of social, humanities, natural sciences of scholars, academic staffs,  PhD students and undergraduate students  of university and scientific organizations of Kazakhstan and abroad.

The journal publishes research results of current issues of fundamental and applied researches in tourism, leisure and hospitality by area:

  1. Economics, planning and organizing of tourism and hospitality industry
  2. Regional problems of development of the tourist business in the world and Kazakhstan
  3. Professional education in the field of tourism and hospitality
  4. Excursion and local history activities in the world and Kazakhstan
  5. Active types of tourism in the world and Kazakhstan
  6. Cultural heritage and tourism: opportunities of sustainable interaction

Materials are published in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages.